Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida HELPLINE: 866-413-5337
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Donut Hole? Medicare Drug Plan Coverage Gaps

Most Medicare drug plans have a coverage gap (also called the “donut hole”). This means there’s a temporary limit on what the drug plan will cover for drugs. You enter the coverage gap when your total drug costs—including… Read More

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period Ends March 31!

You can sign up for Medicare Part A and/or Medicare Part B during the General Enrollment Period if both apply: You didn’t sign-up when you were first eligible. You aren’t eligible for a Special Enrollment Period. This opportunity… Read More

Four Signs That It’s a Scam

Protect yourself from fraud by learning how to identify scams. Here are four tactics scammers use: Scammers PRETEND to be from an organization you know. Scammers say there’s a PROBLEM or a PRIZE. Scammers PRESSURE you to act… Read More

Lose your Medicaid coverage recently?

Do you need help with Medicare costs? Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) are state programs that assist you with paying your Medicare costs. To qualify for an MSP, you must meet your state’s income and asset limits. Contact SHINE… Read More

Making a Difference and Delivering Service with a Smile!

On April 18, the Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida honored those committed to their volunteer role with Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders (SHINE); a free, unbiased Medicare education and counseling program. The importance of their… Read More

April is National Volunteer Month!

Navigating Medicare can be complicated, but trained volunteers can help by answering questions and providing personalized guidance to those who need it. We want your help to support members of your community as they enroll in Medicare for… Read More

Common Medicare Open Enrollment Notices

You can make changes to your Medicare coverage each year during Fall Open Enrollment, which runs October 15 to December 7. Around September, you will start to receive notices with information about any changes to your coverage for the coming year.