Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida HELPLINE: 866-413-5337
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Make a Difference by Helping Others Navigate Medicare!

Navigating Medicare can be complicated but SHIP counselors can help by answering questions and providing personalized guidance to those who need it. Make a difference by helping others navigate Medicare, join our team! In Florida, your local SHIP… Read More

Medicare Minute: Cost Saving Programs

From premiums to copays and deductibles, it can feel so difficult to afford health insurance—especially with rising costs all around us. In this Medicare Minute, we’ll tell you about programs that can help you save on your Medicare… Read More

Donut Hole? Medicare Drug Plan Coverage Gaps

Most Medicare drug plans have a coverage gap (also called the “donut hole”). This means there’s a temporary limit on what the drug plan will cover for drugs. You enter the coverage gap when your total drug costs—including… Read More

Medicare Minute: New to Medicare

If you or a loved one will soon be eligible for Medicare, join us for this Medicare Minute! We’ll go over all the basics you should know—from enrollment periods to coverage choices and beyond. Some people are automatically… Read More

Medicare Minute: Preparing for Future Health Care Needs

Many people assume that their family members would automatically be able to make decisions about medical treatments if they were to become incapacitated. However, rules vary greatly from state to state: Your family may have to go through… Read More

April is National Volunteer Month

Make a difference by helping others navigate Medicare, join our team! Medicare can be complicated, but as a trained volunteer you can help by answering questions and providing personalized guidance to members of your community as they enroll… Read More

Medicare Minute: Medicare for Federal Employees and Retirees

Whether to enroll in Part B or use FEHB as primary coverage is a personal decision, based on your individual circumstances. You should look at the costs and benefits of each insurance plan and make the choice that’s… Read More

Medicare Minute: Part D Coverage Phases

The cost of your Medicare Part D-covered drugs may change throughout the year. If you notice that your drug prices have changed, it may be because you are in a different phase of Part D coverage. There are… Read More

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period Ends March 31!

You can sign up for Medicare Part A and/or Medicare Part B during the General Enrollment Period if both apply: You didn’t sign-up when you were first eligible. You aren’t eligible for a Special Enrollment Period. This opportunity… Read More

How to Lower Your Part D Drug Costs

This year, people with Medicare may qualify for even more savings through the Extra Help program. This program helps some people pay their Medicare drug coverage (Part D) costs, like premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and other costs. The program… Read More