Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida HELPLINE: 866-413-5337
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We’re Looking for Volunteers in Rural Areas of SWFL!

Attention residents in rural areas of Southwest Florida: AASWFL is looking for volunteers to lead health and wellness workshops near you!

Program trainings available for:

AFEP-Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program
The Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program is a community-based, recreational exercise program developed by the Arthritis Foundation. Trained AFEP instructors cover a variety of range-of-motion and endurance-building activities, relaxation techniques and health education topics. All the exercises can be modified to meet participant needs. The program’s demonstrated benefits include improved functional ability, decreased depression and increased confidence in one’s ability to exercise. Classes typically meet two or three times per week for an hour.

TCA – Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention
Tai Chi for Arthritis helps people with arthritis to improve all these and more. It improves balance both mentally and physically thus significantly reduces the rate of fall of older adults. Additional benefits include improving relaxation, vitality, posture, and immunity.

SAVVY Caregiver
Savvy Caregiver is recognized nationally as a leading evidence-based dementia family caregiver training program.

Savvy programs are designed to provide the most relevant dementia knowledge, skills, and mastery to support family members as they provide care for their relative or friend living with dementia. Savvy Caregiver programs have been proven to decrease family caregiver distress, burden, and depression, while increasing caregivers’ sense of competence and confidence in their care role.

If you are looking for free programs to participate in or volunteer for, please reach out to us through the Elder Helpline 1-866-413-4337.

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